Mobile Device Security
Mobile devices such as laptops, tablets, and smart phones provide easy access to computing resources. However, the small size and portability of these devices mean they can be easily lost or stolen. It is important to take steps to ensure the safety of these devices and any confidential information they may be used to access, including College records, financial accounts, and any other sensitive data.
Securing Your Devices
- Keep mobile devices with you or stored in a secured location when not in use. Do not leave mobile devices unattended in public locations.
- Mobile devices should be password protected with auto-lock enabled. Use as strong a password as possible.
- Set up encryption on your device.
- Set up tracking and data wipe features on your device.
For Apple devices, look in settings under iCloud for Find my Mac, Find my iPad or 'Find my iPhone.
On Windows or Android devices, consider using Find My Device.
- Ensure your device has current anti-virus software and all operating system and application updates installed. Firewalls should be enabled if possible.
- Physical locks and cables are available for laptops and may be available for some tablets.
- Wipe or securely delete data from the mobile device before disposing of it.
If Your Device is Lost or Stolen
- Immediately call Campus Safety (on campus, dial 7200; off campus dial 909-621-8170) and report what was lost or stolen and other details.
- Change all passwords on any account accessed from the device. Consider that there may be cookies in use on the device that store your password and account information.
- Change any passwords that may be stored in a file on the device. Do this even if the device is not used to access those accounts directly.
- If the device contained or was used to access confidential College data, contact Information Technology Services as soon as possible at 909-621-8061 or