Print Quota and Printing Costs for Students
NOTE:Click here for other Network Printing (General Information & Troubleshooting) information.
Print Quota and Printing Costs
At the beginning of every semester, Pomona College students will have approximately 500 pages of print quota automatically added to their print balance. Pomona College Seniors are given approximately 1000 pages of print quota each semester.
Additional quotas can be added at any time.
Students from other Claremont Colleges are given 125 pages as a courtesy, but they must have a Pomona College network account to use the Pomona College computer lab printers.
Using print quota, students can print documents on any of the printers in the Pomona College computer labs.
Printing Costs
Cost per Page
Black and White Printer
Color printer
Even though there is a dollar amount balance in Papercut, it is not tangible money. It is to be used only for networked printers, not for duplicating in the Pomona Duplicating office.
How to Check Your Print Quota
Log on to PaperCut with your Pomona College username (ces2022, ces04747, etc.) and password. The print balance will appear in the browser window.
If the print balance is in parentheses, then it is negative, and you will not be able to print until you add more money to your print quota. In PaperCut, you can also select Recent Print Jobs to see your print history.
How to Increase Your Print Credit
You can increase your print credit via the Pomona College Portal.
- Log into the Portal
- Follow on the Student link (at the top).
- Choose My Student Account.
- Choose Add to Print Quota.
- Fill in the requested information.
Students from the other Claremont Colleges, please click here to download (pdf) and complete the attached form. Then, bring it to the Finance Office at Pomona College.
How to Deal With Failed Print Jobs
There are a few unfortunate instances when one might print something on a Pomona College printer, but the print job does not come out. Where that happens, please contact the ITS Service Desk at or 909-621-8061.
The longer you wait, the less chance there is of being refunded the price of the print job.